Easy footnotes on blogger

Have you ever wanted to simplify the use of footnotes on blogger ? With the help of BrandSpankingNew blog I managed to set up a not so complicated solution. Of course you still have to do some sort of HTML, but is limited to putting a <s­pan class=”­foot­note”>  </s­panaround each foot­note text in the HTML ed­i­tor.

Here after you’ll see how to set up your blog, and the minimal template needed for each new blog post.


Change your blog layout so as to add an HTML/Javascript gadget at the beginning of your page. You will call it footnote and past the following code in it:
styling for foot­notes be­­gins here
/* foot­notes as they orig­i­­nal ap­­pear in­­­line, be­­fore re­­for­­mat­t­ing */
#con­­tent span.­­foot­note {
col­or: #f30;
/* foot­note links in text */
#con­­tent a.ftnlink {
ver­ti­­cal-align: su­per;
font-­­size: 0.8em;
/* div to hold all re­­for­­mat­t­ed foot­notes */
.foot­note­hold­er {
bor­der-left: 1px sol­id #c­c­c;
margin: 20px 0 50px 0;
padding: 20px 10px;
font-­­size: 0.8em;
line-height: 1.2em;
/* div to hold sin­­gle re­­for­­mat­t­ed foot­note */
.foot­note­hold­er di­v.­­foot­note {
margin: 0 0 10px 0;

<script type­­=’­­tex­t/­­javascrip­t’>

// ======================================================================
// for­­mat­­Foot­notes
// pro­­jec­t: css / javascript foot­notes
// au­thor: Tim­o­thy Groves desk [at] brandspank­ingnew.net
// ver­­sion: 1.0
// lan­guage: javascript
// re­quires: noth­ing
// test­ed on: Sa­­fari 2.0 Mac / FF 1.5 Mac / Opera 9 Mac
// his­­to­ry: 26.01.2006 - cre­at­ed
// ======================================================================
var ar­ti­cles = 0;

func­­tion for­­mat­­Foot­notes(­­con­tID,noteI­D)
// check for DOM ca­­pa­­bil­i­ties
if (!­­doc­u­­men­t.getEle­­men­t­ById)
re­­turn false;

var cont = doc­u­­men­t.getEle­­men­t­ById(­­con­tID);
var note­hold­er = doc­u­­men­t.getEle­­men­t­ById(noteI­D);
var spans = con­t.getEle­­ments­By­­Tag­­Name(“s­­pan”);

var notes = 0;

for (i=0;i<s­­pan­s.length­­;i++)
if (s­­pan­s[i].­­class­­Name == “foot­note”)

// get con­­tent of span
var noteN­ode = span­s[i].­­clo­­neN­ode( true );

// re­­move css styling
noteN­ode.­­class­­Name = “”;

// cre­ate a new div to hold the foot­note
var newEle = doc­u­­men­t.cre­a­teEle­­men­t( “di­v” );

newEle.ap­pend­Child( doc­u­­men­t.cre­ate­­TextN­ode( notes + “. ” ) );
newEle.ap­pend­Child( noteN­ode );

// add back­­link
blink = doc­u­­men­t.cre­a­teEle­­men­t(“a”);
blink.href = “#ftnlink”+ar­ti­­cles+”_”+notes;
blink.ap­pend­Child( doc­u­­men­t.cre­ate­­TextN­ode( ” [back­­]” ) );
newEle.ap­pend­Child( blink );

note­hold­er.ap­pend­Child( newEle );

// add id & style
note­hold­er.lastChild.id = “ft­n”+ar­ti­­cles+”_”+notes;
note­hold­er.lastChild.­­class­­Name = “foot­note”;

// in­­sert link in­­­to span
var newEle = doc­u­­men­t.cre­a­teEle­­men­t( “a” );
newEle.href = “#”+noteI­D;
newEle.ti­­tle = “show foot­note”;
newEle.id = “ftnlink”+ar­ti­­cles+”_”+notes;
newEle.­­class­­Name = “ftnlink”;

newEle.ap­pend­Child( doc­u­men­t.cre­ate­TextN­ode( notes ) );

// em­p­­ty span
while (s­­pan­s[i].childNodes.length)
span­s[i].re­­moveChild( span­s[i].­­firstChild );
var su­per = doc­u­­men­t.cre­a­teEle­­men­t( “sup” );
span­s[i].ap­pend­Child( su­per );


Create a new blog post, with the following content:
<div id=”ar­ti­­cle­­foot­note”>
Some texte <s­­pan class=”­­foot­note”>with a foot­note</s­­pan> and some oth­­er text (ar­ti­­cle should be in the di­v).

<div class=”­­foot­note­hold­er” id=”ar­ti­­clenotes”></­di­v>
<script type­­=”­­tex­t/­­javascrip­t”>

It will be displayed as follow :
Some texte with a foot­note and some oth­er text (ar­ti­cle should be in the di­v).
